PowerLogic Blog
Climbing Power Poles
Climbing power poles can be dangerous business. Not only is there the risks posed by the electricity but there is also the risk of falling
RCDs/RCBOs – Common Issues and Misconceptions
There is some lack of understanding of RCD protection issues as seen on Facebook and during PowerLogic talks with electrical workers. Some of the common
Electrical Incidents and Prosecutions (June – August 2023)
Electrical incidents and prosecutions we were made aware of since our last newsletter are summarised below. Employers and workers are encouraged to ensure all legal
Miniature and Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Closing a circuit breaker after a trip can have devastating effects and result in serious injuries. If the automatic operation of a circuit breaker was
Electrical Incidents and Prosecutions (Dec 2022 – June 2023)
Electrical incidents and prosecutions we were made aware of since our last newsletter are summarised below. Employers and workers are encouraged to ensure all legal
Top 10 Tips for Electricians to Stay Alive
In my last article/blog, I spoke of the things that line workers and electricians should do to stay out of court and goal. In this
Electrical Incidents and Prosecutions (Sept/Oct/Nov 2022)
Electrical incidents and prosecutions we were made aware of since our last newsletter are summarised below: NSW (Sydney) – 11/2/2019: a metal handrail touched HV
Line Workers & Electricians Staying Out of Court and Gaol
Litigation is rampant in Australia and safety regulators are active in prosecutions where electricians, line workers and authorised network contractors do the wrong thing. This
Electrical Incidents and Prosecutions (August 2022)
Electrical incidents and prosecutions we were made aware of since our last newsletter are summarised below. The incidents that caused only an electric shock could
Electrical Incidents and Prosecutions (July 2022)
Electrical incidents and prosecutions since our last newsletter are from NSW, Victoria and New Zealand are summarised below. Employers and workers are encouraged to ensure