We have developed the first four of our toolbox talk videos.
Our aim with these videos is to get some discussion happening on the topics with a view to improving safety and preventing incidents. The first four are as follows:

1. Arc Flash PPE – the importance of arc flash PPE is discussed including a short video on how arc flash clothing protects people. There is another video on how cotton clothing can make things worse. The care and maintenance of arc flash PPE and tuck-button-roll is discussed.
2. Attaching Loggers in Transformers or MSBs – the dangers of connecting loggers in high fault current areas is discussed and options to minimise the risks. The same controls can be applied to taking spot measurements with multimeters.
3. Importance of Risk Assessment – there are often grumbles about the WHS ‘stuff’. This toolbox talk looks at the importance of and the process around risk assessment.
4. Power Pole Stability – the importance and ‘how to’ carry out power pole stability checks is discussed and demonstrated. Chris Halliday talks about a power pole fall that nearly claimed his life in 1983.
Obtaining Access to the Toolbox Talks
The videos are embedded on our videos webpage. Please let us know if these videos have been of use.
Submit Your Ideas for Future Toolbox Talks
We are also after any ideas you might have for future toolbox talks. There is no guarantee that all submitted topics will be developed but please email me with your ideas.