Lightning has the potential to seriously injure or kill players, officials and/or spectators. This course provides the knowledge to:
1. Understand the legal issues surrounding lightning
2. How lightning is propagated
3. How an electric shock is received
4. The stats and risk ratios associated with lightning and at risk locations and activities
5. The effects on people and what treatments might be needed including first aid
6. General control measures to reduce the risks
7. Issues for sporting bodies including how to manage the lightning risk.

This course has been peer reviewed by an international lightning expert. He recommended some minor changes and these have been implemented into the course.
Those completing this course can go back to their sporting bodies and implement measures to ensure the safety of players/participants, officials, ground staff and spectators. The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete and has a 30 day time limit, but this will be extended if necessary.
Contact us if you need help with lightning control measures for your site and/or sporting activity and/or specific training/inductions for your site.