Apprentice Aptitude Test

Apprentice Aptitude Test

Around one third of electrical apprentices fail to complete their apprenticeship which is costing the industry greatly through wasted investment and lost opportunities. These aptitude tests will help to improve this poor completion rate and ensure the right apprentices get hired.

Applicants get tested for:
– Literacy
– Mathematics/Numeracy
– Electrical and Mechanical Reasoning

It is important for apprentices to have literacy and mathematical skills to be able to complete their TAFE successfully and be able to communicate with customers.

The electrical and mechanical reasoning test seeks to find those that have an interest in the electrical industry, may have done electrical work experience, have some knowledge of tools, are apt for the position, and are therefore able to do their job to a high standard.

Each participant can pay via a credit card or we can invoice for multiple participants and then provide a group key that participants can use to start the tests. It will take each candidate approximately 1.25 hours to complete the tests as they are time limited. They will need a calculator for the numeracy test and could print off the reading passages for the literacy test.

We will provide the results of the tests to the employer in an Excel spreadsheet.

The tests expiry date will depend on the close off date set by the employer of the prospective apprentice.

Course Details

Online Cost: $50 (GST incl) via credit card.
Onsite Cost: By quotation
Training Time: 1.25 hours
Who should participate:
Apprenticeship candidates
Other details:
Group discount payment via invoice and bank transfer, cheque, BPAY or credit card as follows:1-5 candidates: $50.00 (GST inc)/candidate.
6-10 candidates: $40.00 (GST inc)/candidate.
11-20 candidates: $35.00 (GST inc)/candidate.
>21 candidates: $30.00 (GST inc)/candidate.